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Pregnancy & Belly Piercings

Pregnancy Belly Bars Baby Feet (PTFE)Congratulations!  But can you still keep your belly piercing?   Well we’ve been there and done that and still have our navel piercing to prove it!  Not to mention several additions to our company!  So here’s our guide to your navel piercing during pregnancy.

What will happen to my navel piercing during pregnancy?

As your bump grows your navel piercing will get longer and you will need a straighter bar as your skin gets more taught.  Therefore you will need a very flexible bar that will change shape as you do!

We recommend PTFE & Bioflex (see below) as the safest and highest quality materials to wear in your piercing during pregnancy.Jewelled Flexible Pregnancy Belly Bars (PTFE)

How can I keep my navel piercing open during pregnancy?

You may have been advised to remove your metal navel jewellery during pregnancy but are worried about your piercing healing up.

Our pregnancy bars have been designed specifically for this purpose and will keep your piercing open in a comfortable and stylish way throughout your pregnancy.

PTFE & Bioflex are safe & comfortable to wear during ultrasound scans.Pregnancy Belly Bars It's a Boy Girl (PTFE)

Is is safe?

Yes. There is no metal content in the PTFE & Bioflex shafts so these pregnancy bars are completely safe for both baby and you.  They are also extremely comfortable to wear, flexible and look great!

You may wish to remove the balls/ends* of your pregnancy bar for your ultrasound scan.  This can be done easily by just screwing them off; they will screw back on too. *not all maternity bars have removable ends.Pregnancy Belly Bars Little Baby (PTFE)

What Jewellery Can I Wear?

We recommend PTFE (also known as Teflon) – famous for its non-stick properties!

PTFE & Bioflex are the safest and highest quality materials to wear in your piercing during pregnancy. All our maternity belly bars & retainers are made of PTFE & Bioflex.

PTFE & Bioflex pregnancy bars are safe to wear during ultrasound scans.

PTFE shafts are gentle & flexible enough to be bent by hand to achieve the most comfortable fit for your piercing. Ideal for your navel piercing during pregnancy!

PTFE & Bioflex are suitable for both new (unhealed) and healed piercings.

PTFE & Bioflex will not cause an allergic reaction (they’re completely Nickel free).

Pregnancy Belly Bars Stork (PTFE)

What’s the difference between PTFE and Bioflex/Bioplast (Flexi bars)?

You may have seen pregnancy bars in both materials.  BioFlex / Bioplast (flexi bars) are pre-shaped and are therefore not quite as flexible as PTFE.  Both are suitable for your maternity piercing but you may find that the PTFE belly bars are more comfortable in the later stages of your pregnancy.Pregnancy Belly Bars Baby on Board (PTFE)

What size should I choose?

We have pregnancy bars in 20mm and 30mm lengths.  They’re quick & easy to cut shorter for the perfect fit!

For your comfort we suggest you wear your pregnancy bar/retainer a minimum of 4mm longer than your usual length (pre-pregnancy).

Don’t forget that you can always cut your pregnancy bar down afterwards for use after the baby arrives!

How do I reduce the length of my pregnancy bar?

It’s quick & easy!  For full instructions please see our blog on how to reduce the length of your pregnancy belly bar.

You can view our full collection of maternity belly button piercing jewellery here.